Heritage conservation

We are pleased to share an exciting heritage conservation project carried out in collaboration with the Solsona Museum, where the innovative technology of Smart Anoxia played a crucial role in preserving valuable historical pieces.

A Glimpse into the Project:

The Solsona Museum houses a rich collection of historical pieces that bear witness to the cultural heritage of the region. However, over time, these pieces have faced the challenge of deterioration due to the action of pests such as wood-boring insects and fungi, as well as unfavorable environmental conditions.

The Solution with Smart Anoxia:

To address this issue, Smart Anoxia was implemented, an innovative technology that uses a controlled oxygen-free environment to eliminate pests and halt the deterioration of historical pieces. This method is not only highly effective in pest eradication but also safe for the pieces and environmentally friendly.

The Restoration Process:

During the restoration process, each piece was carefully prepared and placed in a controlled environment created by Smart Anoxia. The absence of oxygen in this environment prevented the survival of pests and stopped microbial activity, thus halting further deterioration of the pieces.

Results and Benefits:

Thanks to the application of Smart Anoxia, the historical pieces at the Solsona Museum were successfully restored, preserving their integrity and cultural value for future generations. This project not only safeguards the cultural heritage of the region but also highlights the crucial role of technology in heritage conservation.

A Commitment to Conservation:

At Samitech, we are committed to the preservation of cultural heritage and the responsible use of technology for this purpose. Collaborating with the Solsona Museum on this project has been an honor, and we look forward to continuing to contribute to the conservation of historical heritage worldwide with innovative solutions like Smart Anoxia.

This project at the Solsona Museum demonstrates the transformative power of technology in the field of heritage conservation, showcasing how Smart Anoxia can accurately and effectively protect and restore historical pieces. We are excited to continue advancing on this path and preserving cultural heritage for generations to come.

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